Bass Songs

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I wrote and recorded these songs using my electric bass guitar back in the mid '90s when I was 14 or so. What you can listen for in most of my songs is 1 part that will repeat about 4 times for a verse and 1 part that will repeat about 4 times for a chorus. Some songs also have a "solo" part after a verse/chorus or 2, which is just like a fancier part that seems to kind of go with the rest of the song. Because songs with no singing or other instruments can seem repetitive, I have included shorter "samples" for some songs where I've tried to capture the "best" of the song. Those are listed beside some full length songs. Songs are listed in the order recorded, so the better versions of the songs may be the later ones.

  1. Empty Nothing
  2. Embraced
  3. Detour
  4. Screwed
  5. Edit
  6. One-Third
  7. Nevertheless
  8. Tickets
  9. French Kiss
  10. Aphrodite (sample)
  11. May 6th
  12. Discourse
  13. Financial Funds
  14. Cloud
  15. Discourse
  16. Screwed
  17. Edit
  18. Unconditional Love (sample)
  19. Detour
  20. One-Third
  21. Songless
  22. Embraced
  23. Empty Nothing
  24. French Kiss
  25. Nevertheless (sample)
  26. Tickets
  27. Love Sick
  28. Fragment
  29. Edit
  30. May 6th
  31. Financial Funds
  32. One-Third