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Snake Dream

I was preparing to go fight a war and sitting at a table with classmates from 3rd grade eating ham sandwiches. A boy put mustard on his, and a girl was so grossed out that she killed herself with a butterknife.

The Atari Dream, reincarnated from the 60s, something falling from the sky, attacking with swords...

The dream of being chased from the Racquet Club to Big Lots. Jackie Chan?

The dream with the multiple choice test question with pictures of desserts.

Girl Dream

I was a 5-year-old little girl. The other little girls considered me their leader. A woman treated me like a little girl.

I was Ren Stevens from Even Stevens who is played by Christy Carlson Romano. I was outside, trying to talk to someone at SSU. When I went inside, I was at Wilson school. I saw Mrs. Baker. She thanked me for something, calling me by name. I smiled at her, just like Ren would. I went into the girls' restroom (in its real location on the basement floor of Wilson school) I noticed the girls' restroom was much much nicer than the boys'. They had comfortable lounge chairs, lamps, and carpet.

Oxygen Dream

I was a Powerpuff girl. I knew I was a Powerpuff girl. Other normal people were Powerpuff girls and weren't supposed to use their powers. I saw someone using some powers, and this bothered me.

Bus Dream

I was at Amber's wedding, and there was a Catholic priest there. I was worrying that I would offend the priest by not knowing some sort of Catholic stuff I expected us to have to do. This dream made no sense. Amber is a Baptist!

My mom was telling me I could find fast food places besides Taco Bell on Scioto Trail before my trip. I came up from a door in the floor in Wendy's on Scioto trail. I was going to go on a trip with no car apparently. I went to the building where there is actually a SuperQuik, but in my dream, it was a bank. I got in line behind four or five people. Then, I looked over and saw a girl opening another line as a bank worker. I was terrified. I ran out of the bank and down Scioto trail back toward downtown Portsmouth. I looked back and thought I saw her come out of the bank building after me, which terrified me even more.

I was playing a video game where I flew a spaceship. I flew down over planet after planet that looked like the moon but was covered with lava. I was doing well at the game, doing the same thing each time skillfully. However, the last planet before my dream ended was different. It looked like the moon, but there was no lava. It was infested with other ships. They were everywhere. It was kinda creepy.

Save-a-Lot opened a gas station. Their gas was $1.42 per gallon.

I was playing tennis at the Portsmouth tennis courts when some girls came and played on the next court. At one point, I saw a ball that I thought was theirs, so I asked one of the girls if it was. I didn't see an orange dot under the letters, but then as I was asking her about it, I moved it around in my hand and saw another set of letters, and these had an orange dot under them. I indicated that I was wrong, and that the ball was mine, but then the other girl called me over to talk to her. The only thing I can remember that she said in this dream was something about her dad. However, after some talking, she turned into a Chinese boy, but it was still the same girl somehow. The person was whispering to me, and I couldn't make out the words, so I was trying to determine if they were Chinese or just too quiet.

The homoculi from FullMetal Alchemist were taking over the world. They were succeeding. They had Al. They made him do some kind of death game, but he won the game, thus surviving. After he won the game, Pride told him he had to do a documentary on a person named "Maze" by giving him a piece of paper with the name "Maze" written on it in blood.

Kim Possible Dream

I was being hunted by the main pk guy from the Noob comic. He captured me and brought me back to his leader. She said something about not needing any dance. In my mind, I knew that the area where I was was highly guarded and escape was next to impossible. I knew that the pk guy could probably outrun me, and he would be ready to spring into action if I tried to escape. However, for some strange reason, I was struck with this idea to shout and run even though I fully expected to be caught. My sudden shouting freaked everybody out, and somehow I made it all the way out. For some reason, I eventually ended up coming back. When I saw that pk guy again, I knew I was caught again. Then, I saw a female make a run for it. I switched bodies with her and made it out yet again. Eventually, some bumbling moron was on my trail. I spent some time wading around in a pool avoiding him. After quite a bit of running, he finally seemed to have me cornered, but he found me attractive, so he let me get away.

I was out somewhere and got left behind. Somehow, I made it back to grandma's house. She was going to bed, and she told me she was pregnant. Then, God or some being with godly powers made everyone in the world pregnant, even men. A voice said that this would bring world peace. I was an outside observer and was unaffected. I saw people just walking down the street suddenly becoming 9 months pregnant. After they had just a minute or two to freak out, they all went into labor.

People could walk in and out of hell.

I took Elisha to a buffet where they were supposed to have pizza. We were both waiting for it, but it was taking them a long time to get it out. Other than that, I just remember spending some time in my car.

Church Dream

Gas went down to $1.10 per gallon and I was gonna buy some with my BP card for 99 cents per gallon.

Mr. Pumpkin Biter Turkey Choke Elm the Chicken
Barber Shop Wisdom My Electric Shoes Allegory
Ashley's Balloon The Sorceress Mojo's Charade
Snake Dream Girl Dream Oxygen Dream
Bus Dream Kim Possible Dream Church Dream
Other Dreams

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