Abortion - Finding the Cure for Cancer

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Pro-Choice Advocate D:

Hmm...how about using aborted fetuses to develop a cure for cancer? Surely saving million of lives from cancer is VERY good.


For their own best interest, they should allow them to be born. That individual also has potential for finding the cure to cancer. However, if they are going to abort them, yes, they should salvage what good they can from them.

Pro-Choice Advocate D:

Every individual has the potential to find cancer, alive or aborted.


I consider the support of abortion to help find a cure for cancer a better argument for it than the argument for simply having a choice. I consider it much more evident that abortion being supported simply to give a choice is not good. However, my first question on abortion to find the cure for cancer is, "Which will find the cure for cancer first, the aborted without one who wasn't aborted or the one who wasn't aborted without the one who was aborted? Must they work together?"

Pro-Choice Advocate D:

So basically if a woman lists the reason for abortion as "Cancer research" you'll support it? (No. However, if abortions will be performed against my better judgment, I recommend that all the aborted fetuses be used to help other people in one way or another. This is consistent with a pro-life view because I think it would be good if all human bodies of the deceased were used in this way.)

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